الجمعة، 24 مارس 2017

Follow the therapeutic lifestyle

Follow the therapeutic lifestyle 

Follow the therapeutic lifestyle change (that) diet
What causes high cholesterol
. Al
  The goal is to reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat. Saturated fat intake
  Raise your cholesterol. The diet that helps you learn to make the best food

 Options by choosing lean meat, low-fat products or non natev, fat as good as
  Olive oil and canola oil.
  Lose weight if you need to. Lose 5 to 10 pounds only
  (2.3 to 4.5 kg) can reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. Loss of
  Weight can also help lower blood pressure.
Be more active. Exercise can raise your "good" HDL and
  May help you control your weight.
  Quit smoking if you smoke. Quitting smoking can help raise your
  HDL and improve the health of your heart.

Sometimes lifestyle changes are enough on their own. But if you try them
A couple of months and it doesn't reduce your cholesterol enough, your doctor may
Prescribe cholesterol-lowering medicine called a Statin. You may also need
Medicines to lower triglycerides or raise HDL.
You may need to start taking the medication immediately if your cholesterol is too
Or if you have another problem that increases your chance of having a heart
Attack. People who have a high risk for a heart attack benefit from taking up
Doses of alstatinat for lowering cholesterol LDL as possible. Most
These people can reduce LDL, and less likely to have a heart
Attack. To find out your risk, use this interactive tool: are you at risk for
A heart attack?
It is important to take your medicine the way your doctor tells them.
If you stop taking the medication, cholesterol will return back.
You will need to check your cholesterol regularly. Your results can be
Help your doctor to see if the lifestyle changes have helped or if you need more or
Different medicines

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