الخميس، 23 مارس 2017

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

There is no doubt that smoking is bad for your health. It increases the chances of a heart attack. Is the main cause of lung and other cancers, and are also usually expensive. But smokers who try to quit smoking will testify that quitting smoking isn't easy. The nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive and most smokers who try to quit trying to do it a few times before being successful.

It is best to prepare yourself to quit smoking by removing all cigarettes, ashtrays and other smoking signs of your environment at home and work on your car. Seeing is only a reminder and will impede progress. Decide that you want to quit smoking. Do not smoke during this time even a little. Why have one cigarette to get more, hampering your ability to quit completely.

The support system is very important to quit smoking. Make sure that your family and friends Aware of your decision to quit smoking and will help support you in your decision. If you have family and friends who smoke, and ask them not to do so near you for a while so I don't have the urge to smoke with them. There are many support groups available as well. You can find telephone support or therapy in almost every major city. Most of these are free and can provide a valuable boost to your spirits during this difficult time.

Try to reduce stress levels in your environment. Stay busy and active to promote good health. Taking hiking, indulge in a hot bath, and spend some time in the spa or get a massage are fantastic ways to reduce stress levels while maintaining. I'll guarantee you spend helps curb cravings for cigarettes.

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