الجمعة، 24 مارس 2017

Secrets of green tea

Secrets of green tea

The Western world has woken up recently on the benefits of green tea, but remained for centuries in China and Japan the preferred BREW of categories and fans alike. Chinese and Japanese have always believed that green tea regularly means a longer, healthier life. In the early 1990s, scientists proved that this belief is true when 3000 survey showed Japanese woman that those who drank green tea had lived longer than those who don't.

Now I come to the "healthier". Ongoing research also has shown that green tea actually provides protection from heart disease, liver disorders, and serves as an antibacterial agent to the immune system. The reason for this is the presence of powerful antioxidants in green tea. Basically, green tea contains a group of chemicals called polyphenols Kachin, especially abighalokachin locks (ugh). This is a mouthful, but it's a minivan is a very powerful antioxidant that inhibits the growth of cancer cells and even, according to some research, and kills cancer cells without damaging healthy tissue. Aghk also reduces LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels in the blood, reduces the risk of blood clots, which in turn reduces the risk of blood clots, and the main reason for the attacks and strokes.

That does seem to be a terrible thing for a single antioxidant to do? But I haven't finished. Green tea also contains caffeine and vitamins like C and E and many minerals. Caffeine, as the world knows, is a mild antidepressant that stimulates muscles and skeletal muscle contraction assists, while vitamins and minerals impede the aging process.

And I haven't even told you about the weight loss benefits of green tea. In plain terms, green tea burn fat, and lots of it. In fact, scientifically called thermoginik properties, which means that actively promotes fat oxidation.

In fact, a Japanese study conducted on two separate groups of men of similar size (based on body mass index and waist circumference) that if all other conditions such as diet and calories Calorie intake equal, people who consume a greater quantity of polyphenols present in green tea will lose more weight than those who ate a low volume of polyphenols.

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